The title of the article itself is "Trump Sought Options for Attacking Iran to Stop It's Growing Nuclear Program"
Let's dissect this title... He "Sought Options". To me, that sounds reasonable. Seeking options to solve a problem is exactly what any president would do. I don't want to see any more conflict in the middle east but what are we supposed to do when a belligerent regime chants death to America while creating mock US aircraft carriers to practice attacking?
What options did he seek?
"Mr. Trump asked his top national security aides what options were available and how to respond, officials said."
Again, "officials said" so.. grain of salt, naturally because this leaker to the NYT is likely a low or mid level staffer that saw some sort of meeting minutes and not someone that was actually in the room of this top secret briefing. But i still don't see anything wrong yet.
"After Mr. Pompeo and General Milley described the potential risks of military escalation, officials left the meeting believing a missile attack inside Iran was
off the table, according to administration
officials with knowledge of the meeting."
This is what a good manager does. Give me every option, no matter the cost, and lets whittle them away one by one to find the best option. It's just a basic review process.
"The episode underscored how Mr. Trump still faces an array of global threats in his final weeks in office. A strike on Iran may not play well to his base, which is largely opposed to a deeper American conflict in the Middle East, but it could poison relations with Tehran so that it would be much harder for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear accord, as he has promised"
/\ And that's where the "facts" of the meeting in question stop and the narrative begins to shift to see the bias of the author clear as day. He refers to the meeting where Trump was seeking options as a "episode" and speculates wildly that Trump is trying to poison relations with Iran before he leaves so that it's harder on joe biden. wut?!?!
So lets review... Trump has a meeting with top advisors where he asked what options were on the table to deal with Iran. His advisors laid out the options and they concluded a missile strike was off the table. That's it. That's the meat. That's the juice.
This is disgusting and dishonest and a poor example of a journalist with good sources. There's no substance. The classic Trump era of journalism where they pick a incendiary title to get clicks with wild speculation in the article that steers the readers towards there own biased narrative.