FaunaSkisIf you’re doing what I think you’re doing, it’s kind of like giving yourself the ability to move mount point like the marker schizo used to do, just a bunch less sketchy that cabled together toe & heel pieces. And you’re using 2 of the toe piece holes for both your -2 & your -5 mount. Right?
For the vandal, a go anywhere ski, I can dig that. If you want a more directional feel you go -5 for more technical freeride, and if you want a more centred playful stance on the ski you go -2.
the difference will be subtle but could be enough to be worth it. I think you’ll find you end up in one far more than the other because of the effort to move the mount but I can see the point. Also you might start to wear out the threads on the screws and inserts so make sure you have plenty loktite and if they’re coming loose often you will need to replace the screws or risk stripping out the threes on the insert and losing a heel or toe.
you got it! its sort of a proof of concept ;)
I just wanted to see if it was possible to do, and I've always wanted to ski the same ski in different mount points without a demo, or a schizo. I wanted to see if I could do it to my camox really, but the camox was to expensive to test on, so the vandal on sale bit the bullet ;)
Honestly it turned out way way better than I expected, all holes are at least 30mm from each other, so structure shouldnt be impared for park, either way I have a ton of skis so its not like it will be used for 1000 ski days. With bindings on, you cannot see any of the inserts, so looks clean and not like a "connect the dots" type of deal.
I have skied -2 skis all summer(30+days), except for a few slush days on a -5 (102FR) and... recently -7,5 which felt totally weird (justis)
I have some skis in the quiver that really respons well to mount point changes, but I like both mount points, so this was a test to see if I could do it to other skis, 102FR/camox/atris beeing the main ones.
Added bonus that my 26.5 friend said said was "hey now I can ski thoose" same reaction from another buddy who has 30.5