troy enough with the i hate skiing crap. without skiing you have nothing.... there are 2 things in your life that you have worth living for, skiing, and marita. troy just think about it, you have had so many oporunities and experiences most kids dream of. you get free stuff. you have most alot of kids wish they had, one of those kids being me. you need to sack up and realize that you do not suck at skiing, but rather it is the terrain we practice on.... think of what the pros practice on.... they didnt get good hitting an undervert shitty pipe, or overshooting a 5 foot table. they have true cut perfectly made parks, a resort that acctually puts money into the park program. alaska is not doing anytging progression wise for you. you cant even practice your tricks on thier terrain. unless it were backcountry skiing, alaska has nothing for you. you need to realize, which im sure you do, that there are bigger, better resorts down in the states with hundreds of filmers and riders calling your name. there is the opening for opportunity to acheive more here troy, all you have to do is grab tight and hold on for the ride. moving will do 2 things for you, get you closer to photographers with better terrain, and get you closer to marita. just take what i said as a comment on your success in the skiing industry, dont call me up and talk spink chink language to me. look at skiing as a gift from God, you didnt get where you are with skiing by chance, everything in your life is happeneing for a reason. God has a calling in your life and i think he has given the gift of skiing to you for a special reason. you have made such a big impact on my life skiing wise and have given me so many more options to think about as well. just skiing with you has made me progress so much this year. If you think you still suck, just look at what you are doing to the kids who ski with you.... not that that is doing anything for you, but it shows you that you are good, and you have so much potential. your an awsome friend, just a little crazy at times, well most of the time. i ment what i said, and i hope you understand. have a fun night with marita and remind her that you love her. ill see ya later dude
'im your marketing, you have no park, you have no pipe, without me you have nothing bitch!' - troy murdough