Replying to Northeast Covid Update help?
I’m trying to decipher all of the terminology during these crazy times. I live in a red state CT (unfortunately) but I am a weekend warrior.
Especially this year because most sports are shut down and my kids are young so I figured I would really teach them how to ski this year.
I bought the IKON pass for the whole family $2600 bones, btw my wife and I are both teachers = broke.. hahahah
Anyway I planned a few long weekends and trying to pull off the weekend warrior this season. The new safety measure is if traveling from red state i have to quarantine for 14days?
**I made this a long story but basically how do you think this season will play out with out of staters?
I have also considered moving to VT if my wife and I become virtual teachers due to covid for a month or two.
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