freestyler540Ill get back to this thread when the key lending rates will rise in response to the high inflation.
Im pretty sure people that refinanced their morgage is pretty happy. Im just waiting for the foreclosures.
Not trying to sound racist but the amount of foreign investment in real estate in my area is absolutely staggering. Houses have doubled, tripled or more in value over the last 5-7 years in the Seattle area. People just realize they can beat their returns in the state run stock exchange in Beijing by buying real estate. Where I live developers send out offer letters constantly and there neighborhood after neighborhood has every single house on the street being torn down and replaced with a mega mansion. That being paired with the amount of people who are here on work visas buying houses. It’s not that I care if people want to try and make money or move here but it’s kind of like when Nike started sponsoring skiers- everyone got dropped like a rock at the first sign of a better deal elsewhere.