LonelyWith the state of modern game releases right now I don't know if I'd want to see a TitanFall 3.
Its one of my favorite series but after watching what happened to Halo, Battlefield, Cod etc. I think I would much rather see a TitanFall 2.5 (maybe a 10 hour story dlc and some additional multiplayer maps and guns) than a full release. It would make me very sad to see TF go the way of Halo
That sounds about right, it’s perfect in a state of minimal skins, and other cosmetics. I’d love an extension DLC. I think 3 especially if EA has a large influence would be ass.
I also agree halo 4 sucked to me, halo 5 was ok but didn’t feel like halo, and infinite I haven’t played. Have so many memories of split screen on reach and odst with the homies.
I did enjoy Cold War for a bit, but just kind of off multiplayer for the most part.