hi everyone,
hope you all r enjoyin the winter that has set in to the maritimes. life is full of question marks and i have one that i must express. over the last many days with strong amounts of snow in the city me and my faithful group of jib friends have pouched the city and created features of all shapes and sizes.
On top of the city features i helped out with creating the funniest day to date at a ski hill new years eve, where ross peters, thor durning, chuck arhibald matt ferg-dog and I headed up producing a great street style jib and 20ft wedge jump where we all watched ross throw a styled cork 7 and foster with a steeezie zero.
Along with this I have finished putting together a small jib in my yard with a great tranny to land on. it took me 1.5 hrs of true hard work. my cell rang and i answered to speak with my best friend who spent the day at Martock. he expressed how he couldnt believe the lack of snow made and horrible condition. i asked (anxiously) if they set any rail or box yet. he told me they pretty much carried the flat box over and dropped it on the bunny hill with no set up and no tranny.
i sit here and type in confussion about how a group of local city jibbers can accomplish so much with 20cms of wind blown smow and broken shovels or a small group of dedicated freeskiers at ski wentworth who can co-operate with the ski patrol to piece together a great one two minipark in 2 hrs, yet a ski hill that sits 35 minutes form 430 000 people cannot even set a fun box properly???
should one of the local hills not model themselves after a blue mtn or mt. saviour?? i know the hills have many different types of skiers to catar too, yet dont freekskiers in our area deserve more?
i hope we all enjoy the ski season as much as me and my clan of friends do, and i hope no one else worries about the state of our freeksi scene as much as I do, but personally, i expect better in a place that should see a future in us.
the real east starts here