Replying to Why my life sucks
lets start off with sunday night, i get a call to go do a 12-stair down 10 foot across and 10 stair down double kink. we get there set up, sir rage films is there to film and i ginue pig that shit and my skis slip out from under me so fast i am on my ass like hibbert attempting a 450 on. i get up and cant move my arm. wow i am fucked, x-qualifiers /can i make it? will i heal in time? questions race through my head as i yell and curse in front of rage films like a 2 year old child. chris jordan attempts the rails and eats a quantity of shit as well. i leave early and do my best to drive home with one arm(shifting is a chore i tell you). so i get home sleep a little bit decide to take the day off when i wake from my slumer which left my sheets covered in blood becuase i have a gash in my elbow which my mom thinks needs stiches but i say it will heal fine. i eat some food and decide to call emily and hang out since i cant ski. she says she will call me back and when she does she says she doesnt want to be my girlfriend anymore.
wow am i a fucked up asshole or what, i cant ski and my girlfriend dumps me all within 24 hours, all i want to do is ski with the originals and my life has to crumble before my eyes while i sit here and speculate on how i am going to win the superunknown contest because if i dont my life is over
shay is an ignorant speculative little sanchez
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