Replying to The season that never was...
So we (Jensen and myself) decided to do up a nice easy rail on campus. It was a beautiful untouched (yes, no chips out of the paint even) single barrel rail dropping sharp and about 35 feet long. We had a nice lil' inrun provided by a local bench and everything was pretty much set up when security booted us off. We retreated from STU to UNB (yes, both schools are beside each other) and set up again on a rail going down a staircase. We finished a shaky lookin' hit, and Jeff hit it for the speed check, then campus security showed up again. Apparently both times the reason they showed up was cause someone complained they couldn't walk down the stairs. Why are people these days such pansies. They should admire that we are taking up that much time of our own to build something like that. Fucking pansies. They should all be shot. I think we have a nice picture of us taking down the hit. This is pathetic. Plus dylan pansied out. Peace
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