Replying to BReaking news, SHAY getsgets terrain park for alyeska
Troy this ones for you, be nice to shay, and call her and tell her you want a good clean stunt ditch becasue according to her speculation she has talked to chris von imhof and larry mcpoopydaniels, and she says shes 'in charge of terrrain park building. she says that its going to be a good park, but there has to be a loop hole to this, but if not i will be back to alaska for some seshhing 1242. After talking to kurt troyer all summer, i have heard many tasles of the shittyiness of alyeskas managment, i highly doubt they would listen to shay of all people when there grooming of alyeska halfpipe is comparative to the grooming of dumb and dumbers dog grooming buisness.
I'm going to be Brutally frank with you, I hate your fucking guts, but goddamnit do i respect you, your picking up the dog shit- Frank the TAnk
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