Replying to Season Goals
Alright people, what are you goals for this season and tell us how you're gonna acheive them. Here are mine:
a) Bigger spins. On the trampoline with my tramp skis I've been doing 720s and floating 540 grabs and 360 grabs along with frontflips and barani's. I think that the way my trampskis were reflected what skiing this year will be because they were fairly heavy and when you do a frontflip you can feal the air slowing you down because of the skis. I've also be doing 900's, Unnatural Misty 900's, Unnatural Misty 720 Liu Kangs and a bunch of wicked tricks but I doubt I'll be able to bring them onto skis.
b) Style. As of now I'm a pretty sloppy skier compared to the advanced people. I'm gonna work on how I look carving, my style in the air, and my powder skiing. I'm gonna do this by setting aside days of just moguls or racing or powder skiing with some of my 'old school' friends.
c) Switchness. I really want to be good at skiing switch, and taking off and landing switch. First off, I'm gonna practise carving skiing switch and then do switch 180s or normal 180s off jumps. After that, 540s and switch 360s. Then from there I'll just try more stuff. Like switch off the funbox (bad landing) or switch on or something.
Anyways, I have a lot of goals and I really want to go through with them.
Principal: You were touching a girl's private parts.
Dean: Who cares? Why won't you let us have any fun?
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