Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,144
I think he's sorta right in that it's kind of a waste for a kid with such nice skis to spend his time going off the sides of jumps or whatever... but on the other hand, isn't a straight air off a 45 footer, or even a 3, a waste of the same skis compared to what some people could do with them? Just ski for yourself, don't worry what other people are doing with them. There were two guys in the park a few times this year who couldn't even get to the end of a 20 foot flat box, one of them had new T-halls. If he's enjoying himself, who cares? Heh... I'm just happy there's someone worse than me with nice skis.
Current Reigning NS Idiot: ''why does this -julian- kid post so much of aj is he like your bestest friend? cuz it says u live in British Columbia, i think thats in like south america, and aj is from the states, in oregon' - wskikid102, Member # 59948