You want us to go away from your world of action sports and we have gone quietly. We are out of the X Games as a competing sport (Inline was removed from the roster for 2005) and we haven't complained. Our industry has been humbled and our numbers have slipped because obese American children wearing BAM shirts and playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater say we are lame. The majority of core rollerbladers have left your precious skateparks and knee-high ledges in search of more challenging terrain.
We have no desire to look like you; skate like you, chill with you, idolize you or even listen to the same music as you. We never did. We don't like to eat lunch with you at school, or hang with you in bars. It's not that we don't like skateboarders or hate skateboarding, despite being hated upon. It's just that we are not skateboarders, so why should we care what is going on in your sport? We are the anti-jock, underground, "can't sell out cuz there ain't no money in it", misunderstood, non-conforming, grassroots, for the love, most under-the-radar sport in all of action sports.
We are everything skateboarding used to be, which is probably why you all feel so threatened by Rollerblading.
Do you hate me now?
i don't know what to say......
who the hell takes pictures of themselves with a camera phone?? those are made to sneak pics of girls tits and underwear-
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