Ok i had this really trippy dream last night:
some thing lead up to this point, but i dont remember. the dog was acing somewhat orcishly. it looked ugly and was bald. it had jumped at me many times, again and again. i managed to knock it out and put it in a cage in my backyard. Time passes on and i remember walking back from my room and there was a hot chick i know in the bathroom. i seen trickles of blood on the floor in front of my stairs and where my kitchen opening is. i thaugh to my self 'shit the dog had shit blood again.' (my dog had problems eirlier that day and shit blood or something that looked like blood). so I walked into the kitchen to get some papertowel. i flicked the switch and the light didnt turn on.. i checked both switches to see if there was just a burnt out light. i was liek shit i blew a fuse or something. that was when i had noticed blood trikeling down from the lightwitch. I was soo frightend I coulden't move a limb. I had then noticed that the small trickle it once was had grown into more of a flow. As i was
watching the lightswitch in horror i noticed a small trickel of blood run down beside the lightswitch. now the wall had a blood leak, the leak also became more of a flow. The blood had been enclosing me in and building up. I then had noticed that a face was emerging from the wall, as demonic as it seemed i couldent help but look at it with awe. then it spoke and at that Exact moment i heard the words, if you would call what he was saying words i had ran out of the room and grabbed the hot girl that was coming out of the bathroom, and i held her tight and i said you dont want to go that way. she asked me 'Why?' with wonder. That was when the Demonic blood man walked from the kitchen into the hall way. that was when i woke up screaming, and it was time to go to school. after i arrived i had told alot of people my story of the terrible dream i had. After i arrived home from school i wrote it down here, then time had passed by, and i decided it was time to go to bed. I woke up this morning to my alarm
clock. whick was odd, becasue i didn't set my alarmclock to wake me up. Today began to grow weirder and weirder. it was the same day as yesterday i taught, and i was aking people if i had told them my story of the dream i had. they all replyed with a strait 'no.' then i checked the blocks it was the same day. i had yesterday, turns out i drempt a whole day, today.
anyone else had a pretty screwed up dream like this?
Last Element Freeskiing-'Hitler was a smart man. He came up with more ways to cook a Jew than George Foreman did to cook a piece of meat.'-Skiierman
-Live Fast And Ski Hard
Belong, Thats a Very Sexist Way To Talk About these Bitches'- Ali G
-Get On Your Knees And Smile Like A Doughnut