Ive been getting alot of kicks anonymously terrorizing the electric skateboard facebook forums lately.
but most of the time im just politely defending my point of view. Some people get so pissed off though its hilarious. This one asian guy posted a whole picture guided tutorial on how he customized a 1200$ all terrain board into a street “superboard” with about 500$ worth of extra parts. He then posted some data-massaged range figures he would get with an extra battery strapped to the top of the board (hideously). I digested his claimed range on his superboard and politely posted that when looked at under fair and equal conditions, his 1700$ (plus labor) superboard didnt even get as long a range as a standard model street board that cost 999$.
The guy bucked really hard and you could see how furious he was in his posts as he kept trying to outsmart me and make me look stupid by entering extraneous factors into the equation that i continued to politely prove irrelevant.
then he must have looked over the whole argument and realized i drove him to humiliate himself and he deleted all of his posts responding to me.
Like honestly compared to some of the people i run into on the internet i wouldnt even classify myself as an asshole.
**This thread was edited on Aug 28th 2020 at 4:14:55am