Skiblade420The minorities around me and in my life have never brought up the phrase bipoc, and I doubt anyone has even really heard the term yet. They have never once expressed issue with the term minority in any kind of way. You’re learning terms from outraged woke weirdos that keep changing words and finding ways to be pissed.
Remember when poc was coined acceptable? My non white friends/Co workers were fine with it. Yet it was a rephrasing of colored person which is a no go.
Now it’s BIPOC? Just you watch, bipoc is going to be coined unacceptable and it will be onto a new word/phrase.
For anyone thinking that minority, poc, or what will soon be bipoc, are terms manufactured by racist white people to marginalize others, has officially lost their marbles.
You know what racist white people like to call minorities? Actual damn racial slurs. Or they add words to make things sound negative. They can use whatever term you come up with and give it a negative connotation, “that damn minority, that damn poc, that damn black person, that damn white person, that damn conservative that damn democrat” all sounds bad right?
like legitimately you’re trying to change words that don’t mean anything bad and expecting it to change something. You’re fighting for the most minute things. With all of the racial injustice that goes on you really think you’re helping by messing around and getting pissed at the English language?
Bruh, linear history of this conversation:
somebody: "where's the term BIPOC come from why are we using it? Minorities sounds less offensive to me."
me: "it comes from POC activists and academics that argue there's more empowering language that recognizes individuals in a way other scale of them relative to white people"
Dustin: "that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard your opinion and white agenda to weaponize words is intellectualism"
me: "okay but it's not my agenda there's plenty of evidence from Hispanic organizations, Black activists, Asian journalists, and cultural icons are asking for this. It's not that they / I don't understand the definition of minority in the context of a US census, it's that they / I see it as being problematic in the context of social and political culture."
you: "tHiS iS wHaT yOu CaRe AbOuT gEtTiNg PiSsEd aT LaNgUaGe?!"
Literally can't believe I actually have to explain this, but talking about one thing doesn't mean it's a top priority or the only thing I care about or the only way I engage in this subject. Dude asked where it came from, I provided some videos and half dozen sources that are easily findable online.
I'm not and have never said that the word minorities is specifically used or manufactured by racists, I'm saying that language has unintended effects. And we all agree that context matters. Words create mindsets, mindsets create beliefs, beliefs affect the way we see the world. So yes, there's a lot racial injustice out there that we need to spend time and energy on. It's ok to have language be one of the things, it doesn't mean it's the only thing.