sullivan_obrieni have a pair of armada carmel edollo mitts for spring and warm days and a pair of giant ass warm mitts for freezing days but i need a mid range type deal, like 20-30° F days.
i want black ones look at my outfit on my pfp to see if they match if u want to go through that much effort
Advice, make one thread and ask all your questions, people will answer them. To answer your question about boots, as a boot fitter, I have to recommend going to a shop and trying things on and speaking to a professional. Buying boots online is a real hit or miss. The Descendant 4 as a boot is fairly wide, and soft. Good beginner park boot, and you can always upgrade to a stiffer tongue instead of buying a whole new boot. Definitely try one on before you buy it, nothing worse than ordering boots just to have them not fit right