Its definetly a trend, ON3P doesnt make a few models over 190, 4frnt just posted on FB/insta the new devastator isnt going to be 194 anymore and other companies are doing the same, nordica are shrinking the enforcer (ok the 193cm was a horrible length/flex/ski) Faction stopped with the 1.0 in 188, now only 184 for 2021.
ON3P made a valid argument not to make them, they just dont sell,, as did 4frnt with only 5?! 194cm sold in 2020 season ( I was one of thoose 5)
Why are people not buying longer skis? Are tall'ish people shitty at skiing and afraid of longer skis? Are grown men only buying dad-carvingskis and such?
I will admit that not all longer skis are good, like some of the 193cm enforcers, its like they just extended the ski, they didnt beef it up, so it skis worse than 185/186 at speed and on edge.
Now on the other side, a lot of the skis on sale are only the shorter models, all longer lengths are gone long before sale starts.
I was trying to pickup faction CT 4.0 and 5.0 in the 190+ lengths, just can't get them, all sold out in longer models, only short ones left, tried to pickup declivty X, same thing, tried to get the longer dynastar menace 98, and CT 2.0 188, again same thing. Are they just makeing very few models in the longer lengths? and thats why they are selling out?
At 6'2-6'3 (190cm ish) I'm not that tall (at least not in my country). I just dont like skis that looks like I stole them from a small kid. With height, comes weight, and when I ride shorter skis I hear people refer to as stiff, I can flex the SHIT out of them, landing a bit bad on jumps and its like a backseat landing with slalom skis, but also on other skis, having the shovels folding on something that is considerd a good carver... meh!