I have a small theory about rational/irrational numbers that id like to get feedback on if possible:
Ive searched online to see if the idea has been voiced or written or championed by anybody else but i was not successful in finding anything. If any of you know of any sources with this idea please link them.
Everybody knows the difference between rational and irrational numbers. I was thinking about a number line on a table that goes from 0 to 1. Say i had a hypothetical needle with a tip that was a true point, as in, it had no cross sectional area at the end of it, and i dropped it onto the number line such that it stuck somewhere between 0 and 1. If i had a hypothetical camera or microscope that could zoom in forever on the location where the needle tip struck the number line, there would be a 100% probability that the needle would point to an irrational number that had a decimal like 0.581497239406~~>>............... that went on forever, because the amount of irrational numbers that exist represents a larger infinity than the amount of rational numbers that exist; for every rational number that exists, an infinite number of irrational numbers exist. No matter how many times you drop this hypothetical needle, the probability that it will strike a rational number on the number line is zero.
The idea of an irrational number existing in reality has some contradiction with the Uncertainty Principle (HUP). A corollary of the HUP is that the amount of information present in a volume or particle or system is finite; if you try to pack infinite information into a finite space, you end up creating a black hole. But the black hole comes before you are ever able to pack infinite information into the space; you will never be able to cram an infinite amount of information into a space that is not also infinite.
Back on topic, the idea of an irrational number presents a problem because a number with an infinite amount of numbers to the right of a decimal place ,
for example 0.5837378219.....~~>> keeps giving you a little bit more information every decimal place you record. You would need a notebook with an infinite number of pages to write down the decimals that come out of an irrational number. As you zoom in on the needle point where it strikes the number line, you can keep harvesting more information every time you zoom in 10X.
In other words, a complete irrational number represents an infinite amount of information, therefore irrational numbers, like many other things in mathematics, might not exist in reality.
So what makes the pretty little rational point 0.5 different from the irrational monstrosity 0.72143953750874...~~>>>
from the perspective of the hypothetical needle point?
From the surface it seems like the irrational number represents much more information than the rational number 0.5. But using HUP as the ultimate arbiter we know this cannot be the case. It makes no sense for one point to hold more information than another point on a numberline.
The way i would reconcile this is to say that 0.5 is actually 0.5000000~~>>>. You have to keep using your camera to zoom in on this point location repeatedly, forever, and every zero you add represents the adding of more information.
So the point 0.5 which would conventionally be considered rational, I believe is actually the irrational number 0.500000~~>> because the zeros go on forever and for every zero (just like for every decimal place in a typical irrational number) you verify by zooming in on the point, you gain information on the precise location of the point.
According to the HUP, taking irrational numbers to extreme decimal places (Like the mile of pi) is pointless because very quickly the precision of the universe gets outpaced by the precision of your hypothetical model. But if you are just considering the issue mathematically, it may make more sense to consider ALL numbers to be irrational numbers.
Anyways, ive been thinking about this for a while and wanted to see if anybody could add perspective or maybe just murder my poor little theory