BakerpowCaveat is that I'm am engineer working for this company and do photography with my girlfriend as our side gig and have been asked by the company I work for to set up a studio so they can update website product photos.
We work with outdoor companies like forsake, flylow, bluefin SUP etc but I recently got hired in a big boy job.
They will be paying me different rates for the photos. It's a little bit of an intricate situation as I am also only working her for a resume builder andy bosses all know I'll be leaving in the next year or two.
Well it sounds like it has potential. I think, I would try and talk them into building a decent studio that will last them the next 20+ years with maybe a new coat of paint, and upgrading the lights here and there. You could probably build something pretty awesome depending on the space you have and people you know.
All in all, yes you could go super cheaper with the amazon stuff and it'll work good enough short term. However, I would try to convince them to think long term and to put some money into this if this is what they are asking for. Invest money into getting a studio constructed in whatever space they have. If they really want to commit do a cyc wall. Get a decent seamless setup, get good stands, good flags / silks, and invest in a good set of lights. IMO you could probably get away with getting some aperture lights for film use, and also use them for photo.
That's my two-cents. I totally get the resume builder, and you gotta work with what you got, if that's an amazon studio then that's that. However a long term solution might be more beneficial for both parties in the end.