I heard that adolf hitler and joseph stalin and mao tse tung and pol pot were 4 Clones of trump sent back in time to kill millions.
also he goes boating in florida not to fish but to run over manatees and then laugh at them as they bleed into the ocean.
also he invented cancer i heard.
This is literally what you sound like man.
theres alot of people who like how trump is honest and politically incorrect and theyre not all idiots.
Trump also understands that fat americans cant just rely on the rest of the world footing our bill forever just because we promote an image of peace and all countries leaders holding hands and jacking eachother off.
alot of people have been educated by trump about things no other president has or would have verbalized the way trump has.
in china the citizens are fed just as much anti american propaganda as they do in north korea.
trump had the balls to finally say fuck china, and people not only love him for doing things like that but they should love him for doing things like that.
Just bc the prez isnt a good role model doesnt mean you should literally hate/despise every fucking thing about him.
your whataboutism is showing and it's not a good look.
"there's a lot of people who like how trump is honest and politically incorrect and they're not all idiots."
Honest? no, he's beyond a proven pathological liar. A sociopath , like Trump has antisocial personality disorder. The diagnostic criteria for diagnosing a sociopath has a feature specifically about lying. Criteria feature number 2.
(2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.
As proven in above lie counter link, and that was from April.
"a lot of people have been educated by trump about things no other president has or would have verbalized the way trump has."
Verbalized ? like this
"trump had the balls to finally say fuck china, and people not only love him for doing things like that but
they should love him for doing things like that."
you sure about that?
"Just bc the prez isnt a good role model doesnt mean you should literally hate/despise every fucking thing about him."
it's not your fault you aren't educated in malignant narcissism, and sociopathy, but you can always learn, and I can more than gaurantee, if you truly educated yourself on these conditions, like thoroughly educated yourself , you're entire perspective of trump would flip, it would be a complete and total impossibility to like one of these evil monsters.
Here's a few channels to get started on your deprogramming.