Monsieur_PatateWhen I think of books about US Presidents, it's usually flattering biographies explaining their accomplishments and exceptional lives.
But with Trump I feel like every other week there is another book from someone close to him telling the world how big a piece of shit he is, probably enough literature on the topic to fill a public library at this point. Fascinating.
brutha, they are all scumbags
ppl praise JFK like he was some type of god, yet he was fucking under aged girls while he was in the white house. just look up the name Mimi Alford
which president in the last 100 years has not been a total piece of shit?
Obama: completely lied to voters and never followed thru with his election platform. never shut down guantonamo bay, never got us out of iraq, did nothing for the black community, bombed the fuck out of palestine. his only claim is that he "killed" bin laden.
W. Bush: where do i even start with this one. started a war with iraq and afghanistan under false pretense. this one is pretty self explainatory
Clinton: was empeached, raped hundreds of women and committed sexual assault, got impeached.
Bush Sr.: Gulf War. started war on drugs. racist.
reagan: far right anti gay, denied that aids even existed, triple national debt, oliver north bullshit
carter: nothing egregious, just a bad politician that was disliked by his own party
ford: nothing too bad on this one, changed the JFK Warren Commission and said the shooting of jfk was a conspiracy
nixon: again where do i even start. was impeached, watergate, etc.