Replying to Other Sports Communities Similar to Skiing
I used to be pretty in to Mtn Biking, but then 3 years ago my life got busy. However, the last few months, I got back in to the sport. I truly forgot how much I enjoy it.
I found myself astounded at how similar the people of the Mtn Bike community are to the skiing community.
Just at my local bike park, you have the following personalities:
Flex Zone Only - $6k total in gear, can hardly hit a table top without eating dirt
Excuse Makers – “nah dude if I was at my home park, I would’ve hit transition perfectly, this dirt is just weird. My shocks need to be serviced. I got dirt in my eye. I hit my brakes too hard”
Same Gear for Years – These guys are the quiet ones, at least here at my park. Don’t talk much, but send every single big azz gap jump without hesitation, and never crash. Been on the same downhill bike for 3+ years
Wonder Kids – little groms that are like 11, absolutely ripping, and make me look like a sloth on a bike.
Any other parallels I am missing? Am I totally off?
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