Was reminiscing on the good old days when I used to have a babysitter and ball out whenever my parents went out and realized that I had some absolutely dumb dumb babysitters. So why not share some
1) so when I was about 8-9 my parents hired a babysitter who must have been about 17 and was pretty experienced babysitting. So as the night goes on she’s like oh I’m gonna make some ramen, so she’s whips it up and serves it. However SHE DRAINED THE BROTH. Yes that’s right, she made the ramen and then proceeded to drain the broth. In addition to this she didn’t add the flavor packet till AFTER. So there I am eating a bowl of dry ass noodles with the flavor packet just on top. I seriously don’t understand how you mess up ramen as drunk people can make it just fine.
2) so the second story I think I was about 10 and was starting to understand how to cook basic foods. So the babysitter comes over and he’s about 15 so again should have a basic knowledge on how to cook BASIC food. So we ate and then after everyone was still hungry so we decided to microwave some corn dogs. Now for dogs are usually a VERY easy food to microwave and you can’t screw it up right? WRONG. This dude puts 2 corn dogs on a paper plate for 10mins on high. Yes 10 mins on high. Now I’m ain’t no Gordon Ramsey but that was def not right. So about 8 mins in the microwave starts smoking and we take the plate out and that shits gone. The plate had started a fire in the microwave but luckily I smelled it and ran over and threw a cup of water on top. So this 10 year old kid somehow had more smarts than a fucking 15 year old. So that’s my story’s and my stupid ass babysitters. If you guys have any Id love to hear them as there’s gotta be some glorious story’s out there.