To start off I met my "wife" 10 years ago. I stopped riding around 9 years ago and haven't been on this website or even seen a chair lift in person since than. With the exception of taking my "wife" once to a local mountain on the east coast. I won't ever be in a relationship again. I left my "wife" about 2 weeks ago. I took a 4.5 day train ride from DC to Seattle. I got robbed twice on the train ( somehow kept my most valuable items ), there was no wifi on those specific trains and my phone is broken which made sense to leave in Seattle. My "wife" has never given me a cent to progress myself or even her which is ridiculous. She refused to help me in anyway. But, she plays it off like she does. She even fucked me on a loan that I researched, found, filled out all the paperwork and submitted everything. She agreed to pay me 5,000 dollars USD but she kept the full 25,000 USD. She doesn't really make any of the payments for anything essential or required. I don't have access to any of her accounts. She was kind of like a sponge while I had some kind of income coming in and used my resources to the fullest extent depleting them down to zero every chance she had. There is so much more I could add to all this but I will just keep it a summary. The funny part is once you see a window to progress yourself you take it and don't look back. When someone keeps you "hostage" by giving you whats not required your stuck. You have to get what you want. I guess there comes a point when you don't have to have anyone believe in you. You should really just know you can do whatever you want. I cut ties with my parents because both of them hindered my success two weeks ago for a lot of reasons which I won't get into that on the thread. Which, is extremely sad but it was my only option. My current skills are the concepts of computer programming, the concepts of investing in various markets ( stocks which I don't do anymore, I have moved on to currencies ). Yes, I have other skills as well. But, I always add new skills as well as improving current ones. I'm extremely persistent in whatever I choose. I'm currently north of Seattle and attempting to get to the Canadian border to get refugee status for a few reasons. Bye America. Looking back on these last 10 years I wouldn't change it because I learned so much about myself and people. Learn and improve so, you don't make any similar mistakes at all. I'm moving to the Vancouver area and where I'm located at this moment WiFi is very lacking. The only way I can get to the border at this moment is if I sell one of my laptops. It's a 2012 Macbook Pro 13" listed on ebay. But, the kicker is I would prefer to have this money outside of an eBay deal because of eBay's holding period and fees with the situation I'm in. I would hope to be in Canada tomorrow evening at the latest. I would have to take care of a few things on the America side before I had over. But, this will get me to the location of the border.
Here is a link to my eBay listing. If anyone wants a laptop. Cash App preferred or PayPal if its the only option.
Alive again.