PeppermillRenoWhat’s wrong with you calling me entitled and a sociopath? Because I don’t share your fear of it?
NY and Boston the thing is over. We’re open.
Your ideas are wrong there is no avoiding it Florida and Texas just delayed it. Other countries are liars.
I have followed every mask rule. Sorry I’m employed and working and go to my local spots to keep them in business. My gym was empty today it was more sad than nice.
"Let it run its course" - means you're happy to suggest letting other people get sick and die so you can be free to enjoy normal life again. That is anti-social at its core, and combined with your persistent attempts to downplay the virus as alarmist or insignificant, speaks to an entitlement towards some sort of exception or special treatment. Denying others' expertise and focusing on a narrative that enables life as normal. Sociopath is likely a stretch, but trending in a common direction.
Happy for you to prove me wrong and that you are in fact motivated to help others through difficult times. People who have made similar arguments to yours have been more blunt about who they consider a "worthy sacrifice" and what personal liberties they prioritize above others' health. I may have made some assumptions.
This isn't about fear, it's about respect and compassion. For your neighbours who might not have jobs like you do and couldn't handle a long drawn-out unemployment, and for those who might not be able to handle the disease as well as you and I presumably would. It's weird how people complain about masks not protecting them enough to be worth it or about being "forced" to wear one - it is a sign of respect for others that you're willing to take on a small inconvenience to protect those around you, and should really be a no-brainer in close-quarters situations indoors.
Not sure where your suggestion that European countries, Asian countries, Australia, NZ, Scandinavia, and Canada are all lying comes from but I'd love to read it. I bet it's entertaining.
Hate to break it to you, but we aren't lying.
In Canada at least we definitely benefitted from a unified approach and more significant federal financial support, but there was an energy of community and enough people took it seriously who were able to really hunker down to limit spread. And it worked. We opened slowly and the numbers in BC are still down at like 5-20 cases a day with a quarter of Florida's population. Which is honestly pretty much how it played out everywhere but most of the USA. The little fires that come up in most countries are generally small enough to be handled by existing contact tracing resources.
So not only is it doable, but it has been done. You don't need to have a huge outbreak like NY or MA to get numbers down. And a precautionary approach will unquestionably save lives.
I can appreciate your point on being employed and supporting your community. I've also kept my job through the pandemic and have continued to support local businesses. This doesn't mean we can't be smart about limiting our interactions or let ourselves get totally lazy when numbers get lower. The sooner it goes away the sooner your gym will be full, and this isn't gonna happen if states keep citing more cases than most countries.
Welp. Didn't think I was gonna take the bait but here we are. Kinda fun.