SnowshoeThompsonTriggered. This thread is stupid as fuck. Obviously wearing one when a business deems it necessary for entry is whatever. Acting like you’re saving the population while labeling anybody else that doesn’t as selfish, gtfo.
OP has ranted about people that don’t wear masks as being lesser of a human In another thread. Also claimed he wore gloves at gas pumps and that we should be more like Asian countries.
abortionator is relating anybody that doesn’t wear a mask as being sexist and racist.
Less than .3% mortality rate. Virus does not spread easily through surfaces. virus is spread mostly from human contact -CDC
If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.
Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.“
People assessing information and thinking for themselves is a thing of the past apparently. I guess it’s easier to watch the rest of the population panic over sensationalism.
I seriously can’t comprehend how people justify hating on individuals that support the constitution. Mind boggling...
covid 1984.
I agree that statements like sexist, racist, sub human aren't helpful (dumb is a more accurate term here - hence my predilection for it in this situation) but since this is the hill everyone anti-mask wants to die on...
Please explain how a private business is infringing on your Constitutional rights by requiring you to wear a mask when you enter their private business? Or how a social contract on the basis that if we wear masks the virus will spread less violates your rights as a citizen? Or even just give any example of how your rights are currently being violated?
Those aren't gotcha questions - so I hope you truly answer them - as that violation is the foundation of every anti-mask argument.
No one is saying masks are the end all solution. It's purely mitigation with limited functionality (different story if everyone was able to be fitted/properly use N95s). It's just one of a number of steps everyone as a whole should be doing to help slow the spread of the virus - which is all any one can truly do - particularly now that we do have to get the economy open and functioning again, virus or not.
Can we at least agree that...less virus spread is good, more virus spread is bad? Is that a statement you would agree is true? Ignore the fatality rate - as there is clearly not enough testing yet to know the true spread of the virus.
The next step would be agreeing that shared social steps we can take to slow the public spread of the virus are a good thing - aka a social contract - which is what masks are. Like many social contracts - ie bathing regularly so you don't smell like ass, wearing shoes in a store - there is a social penalty for violations of those norms in a public space. Hence - while we might all think you're an idiot and as a business owner I might ask you to leave my private business for not wearing a mask (ie - kicked out of Costco) - there are no Constitutional rights that you had pre-Covid that you don't have now as it relates to wearing a mask.
If you want your argument to be I don't believe the science and no mask = freedom - just say it. Saying it violates the Constitution is much more specific, so I'm sure everyone here would benefit from the information of how specifically current social mask norms infringe on your Constitutional Rights.
If this changes and suddenly people are being arrested for walking out their door without a mask - then yes, fuck that. We're not China, and thank God for that. But that isn't our situation - far from it - and that the reaction to such a simple task in support of the public good is so viscerally negative is quite telling.
SnowshoeThompsonsick argument dude
I enjoy the irony of this reply. But we're all here. We'll gladly await evidence to the contrary. As you stated - you are capable of "assessing information and thinking" for yourself. Please share the evidence - that masks do not help slow the spread of the virus - so we can all do the same.
**This post was edited on May 27th 2020 at 3:31:53am