I was recently watching an interview where DJVlad interviewed Lexington Steele which discussed how one can psychologically focus in order to get whatever they need to do done.
I'd highly recommend listening to the video, Lexington Steele speaks like Socrates.
I am just wondering if any of you do anything when skiing whether it be park or whatever to get into a frame of mind where you are able to focus on the task at hand, and achieve whatever without internal distractions whether it be fear or whatever
Have you ever seen a professional baseball player walk into a batters box and look at the calm that they are at before they step into the plate, they are calm because they need to focus on a projectile moving 95 miles an hour and hit it
There is a thing like when a person gets good at sports they say that the game slows down and also another term is called "pilot cool" which is a phenomenon that is seen in fighter pilots which their adreniline stays at a certain level and their heart rates dont amp up when they are travelling at 400 miles an hour in a dog fight.