so I have had this problem on my laptop for a few years, but now this has become my primary laptop and this is becoming an issue for me.
it's kind of weird to explain and I've googled this in every possible wording.
background info: I have this lenovo laptop that I bought in 2015. It came with windows 8 which sucks ass so I scrapped the OS and used cracked windows 10. obviously since I am using a pirated OS I had to download all the drivers for internet and mousepad etc etc.
the issue I have: when I am on the internet (any browser, I have tried them all) I cannot see or click certain buttons or see certain things such as captcha checks. the main problem is I can't verify captcha on this laptop and have to use my phone or another computer, but I also can't see some buttons, for example gmail & google.
so I am just wondering if I missed any drivers that would allow me to see these functions/buttons? is there a fix for this? I have taken a few stabs at it over the years but no matter what I search, nobody else seems to have this problem.
so if you're not familiar with gmail, the circled areas are all buttons that should exist. I can actually still click the invisible buttons, but the higher up ones (where the brown circle A is), I can see them but I can't click them to sign out or view settings or anything. the weird this is that things like captcha don't show up or become clickable whatsoever, so I don't even know if there is a captcha I have to verify and I'm sitting there with a frozen page and my dick in my hand.
anyone got hot tips here??