Turd__AuthorityAnything helps, but yeah it's still marketing for sure. It's kinda like earlier last month Kevin Love made a total PR move donating $100k to help Cavs employees. The dude makes over $82k per day lmao. That's like the average American giving $150 lol.
Either way it's great but you gotta put into perspective that while a few million sounds amazing to us peasants, for others, it might not even make their wallets flinch. Now is when the world could use some philanthropy so hopefully everyone steps up and helps out in all social classes.
I hate the "rich person gives away big amount, but its really not that much cause they're rich" argument. 82k is still 82k, it is not worth anyless just cause it came from someone else. K Love could of spent in a countless amount of other ways but choose to help those who make his career possible. Good for him, he has been blessed enough to be radically generous and he is.