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Re: the review FUGATIVE-Honest FULL review
Posts: 25
Karma: 15
i got fujatives and ski with them on a dryslope in edinburgh and they are great. they are really strong. i took them to cham recently and they hadeled brilliantly. the graphics are a lot better than 4 frnt and armada and they are sooooo
much cheaper
Posts: 332
Karma: 14
true that
akl-ripley ripper-
Posts: 8203
Karma: 406
'full' review??? yeah
Imagine the ns outcry if u(lateralis) were banned. There would be countless threads and petitions to bring u back, it would be like when treadway got banned from whistler. Someone would probably make and sell 'Free Lateralis' stickers and shit. -jflo453
I don't deny there are bad things in the US right now, hell, 51% of the country to be exact. But god damnit, our country being fat is NOT a problem. I do't give a shit how fat people are. hell, fat kids are harder to kidnap, that means our cou
Posts: 863
Karma: 11
You cant review a ski by skiing on them on astroturf or carpet or whatever the hell you ski on n a 'dry slope.'
But yes, they are a fun little ski.
Posts: 7540
Karma: 59
i want to try i dry slope
Posts: 6592
Karma: 14
u cant even compare the graphics to next years ar5s so
'Armada is to you: what a twinkie is to a fat kid' Tanner Hall
'Best memory on Skis: When we were swinging on the chairlift, hit a lift tower and derailed the chairs' Boyd Easley
Posts: 205
Karma: 10
I ski them on snow and they really kicks ass
Posts: 660
Karma: 19
Damn foreigners, they don't know what the hell they're saying half the time.
I'll tell you where...someplace warm...a place where the beer flows like wine...where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of capastrano...I'm talkin' about a little place called Asssspennnnn...
Posts: 4987
Karma: 345
Posts: 1233
Karma: 54
fujatives are so nice, flexable, light, versitile, and goond on rails, they definately hold their own on the mountain but more in the park
True dat
Posts: 414
Karma: 13
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