Now I understand there is an existing term out there on urban dictionary for this. But being Chad is epitomized by the philosophy of not caring or giving a fuck about anything. Coronavirus? Pfft. Terrorist attack? Fuck outta here. Nuclear war? Let's have some fun.
Being a Chad isn't about accepting a social heirarchy that annoints you to immaculate masculinity through seniority. It's about being a relatively average man, who alone in his pursuit through sheer observance of others to be a fucking badass. It's like the Freemasons but to get in you have to go on a lone vision quest (reference Thad from blue mountain state, but without the socialogical heirarchy) this vision quest might be one of many in fact. But that vision quest is the cement of other Chads silently judging you. You'll never know what they think. Odds are though they are so Omega they do not even care. But if you get the council of the order of the thundercock to bless your membership, you yourself will profess in a single statement of ego: "I am Chad here me roar" to a masked board of witnesses whom are under a blood oath to never identify themselves, and then subsequently challenge all prospective Chads to a duel. The duel however will never result in a win or a loss, the Chad trainee, or Chadawan as we like to call them has to balance offense and defensive tactics for an 8 hour battle. The result of that 8 hour battle is only for the sole purpose of that Chad's psychological development, not a hazing method. It is to find the balance.
A beta male lifts weights because he has to, an alpha male lifts weights because he likes to, an Omega Chad Overlord lifts weights because they exist on a parallel plane of existence to his own.