Although not set in stone, I believe many hospitals will begin to opt away from elective surgeries (ligament repair, hip/knee replacements, even early cancer treatment) to have more resources readily available for coronavirus. The US surgeon general asked hospitals to stop, tufts medical center began postponing surgeries, and I’m sure that’s only the beginning.
I tore my acl skiing about a month ago and this is freaking me out. I know as time goes on, scar tissue builds up and makes full recovery that much more strenuous/improbable.
I had tentative dates for the hospital of special surgery and I have no idea whether those will stay in place. I have no idea whether or not I’ll even have access to New York City within the next couple weeks...
Anyone hear anything about this?? Might seem selfish talking about this but it would be pretty ideal to be as active and able to return to a level of skiing I was once at...