So the other day I was browsing the Craigslist free section and saw that someone was giving away a piano. I did a little research and found out that this piano, a Steinway & Sons upright, is worth $10K+ in good condition, and this one is in perfect condition and recently tuned.
The only problem is that the person giving it away is an old lady who's husband just died, and she wants to gift it to a good home who will appreciate it because having it in her house is reminding her of her husband too much. Really sad story and I feel bad for her, but she offered to have professional movers bring it to me today and I think I'm going to send it even though I intend to sell it immediately.
Deep down I'm feeling really guilty about this situation because I told her it would be a gift for my mom who is an avid pianist (not true lol) but at the same time that guilt will probably fade when I pay off all my credit card debt and still have a fat stack of cash to save/travel/buy lift tickets/whatever.
Would you guys do the same thing in my situation?