I want to know everyone’s opinions on what the podium would have been if it was best two run score instead of overall impression?
1) Antoine- with pregrab trip and triple grab trip 1620
2 or 3)Andri- that switch misty trip was fucking insane and never been done. Other trip was pretty standard but stomped.
2 or 3) Birk- with 1800 and crazy grabs.
4)Henrik- by far the most solid and consistent of the night but I don’t think he put down anything that none of the other riders arent capable of.
Kinda funny that Henrik has always been the one petitioning for more freedom in Big Air contests and not have any set rules. Based on overall impression I can see how you could make a case for Henny but leaving Antoine off podium is bull shit. Any other judged contest the results would have been so much different.
Would really like a judges AMA after X Games and actually learn what they are really looking for because “overall impression” is pretty vague when dudes are risking their lives. Either way such a fucking awesome contest!!!