I've been meaning to reply to this for ages and just been swamped by various things. So dope to see you back on the site and back skiing
@katrina ! Thanks to everyone who has jumped in here so far for the feedback, it's always good to have something to work with.
I agree that on the news side, stuff has been pretty dry. We've done a lot of reviews, interviews and comp coverage because they all perform predictably and well and have come to be expected. Since this post popped up we've seen a few more pretty solid user-generated articles and I've reached out to Borty/Irrelevant to see if they want to do more, I'd be stoked if they did because those were some of the most entertaining pieces I've seen lately.
I've also reached out to Cy about getting him back on the program, so I'm stoked for that to happen!
On the video side, we've been trying to use some of our limited content budget to support crews doing cool things in the streets. We put some money into the Forre movie launch and the same for Keeshlife 2. I would like to do the same again and with even more videos if the right projects come along. There has been a bit of a lack of 'fun' projects like their used to be from yourself, Trevor et al. If you've got ideas, definitely hit me up because I'm always down to discuss making something happen on that front too.