Dustin.True in some ways, I must say I shake my head when someone pro gun goes on TV and only wants to talk about God given rights or when I scroll past a poorly educated gun dude who creates his own personal far right propaganda on Youtube that makes him look like he cares more about his Ruger than anything else on planet Earth. Those points have their place in the conversation, but they fall on deaf ears when we can't agree on the what the problem really is and work backwards.
However, you have to understand that watching an ignorant person that is enraged by an act of violence talk about guns is about as difficult for a gun, politic, and law literate person to watch as you and I watching a random dude from the Bahamas on vacation commentate on X Games half pipe. A lot of the stuff they say is blatantly false, misleading, or driven by emotion when the facts are easily sorted through reliable sources. I'm telling you, sometimes I hear them say things and think "there's no way that's true" and the statement ends up being true, but the vast majority of the time it is unbelievable that they had the gall to say it on television.
My biggest concern is this: most deaths asserted as "gun violence" are suicides. Well over half, usually over two thirds. In my opinion, that is super fucked up because people are sidestepping the fact that we have a suicide issue that far exceeds our gun homicide issue, but people are ready to ignore if it supports an anti-gun agenda and beefs up their numbers. 12,000 gun homicides is horrible, but that's not even coming close to fatalities from car crashes to compare it to another means of death. I'm sick of seeing people cherry pick their numbers and fail to have the balls to ID the biggest issues and tackle them first. I truly believe that an ignorance of guns and media vilification of anyone knowledgable on firearms is creating massive disinformation that is distracting from much more pressing issues, as suggested by data.
Honestly I think both sides are annoying as fuck. People get way to wrapped up in theae things and it becomes their identity almost. It's hard to look at any issue rationally when you're hopped up on memes and facebook arguments.
As far as guns not being as much of an issue as people state, it's also worth noting that people reason for owning guns is to protect themselves from other people with guns. I think that argument can go both ways. People legitimately shouldn't be afraid of a mass shooting, terrorist attack, plane crash etc. Sure I get it ,but the risk is so low compared to other things.
If I had land and wasn't always on the move I'd probably get a couple of guns. Why because I want them, and want to go shoot them. The "RES WHITE AND BLUE MURICA FREEDOM AND EAGLES PRY IT FROM MY DESD COLD FINGERS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED 2ND AMENDMENT GUNS JESUS" need to smoke a bowl, have a cocktail, jerk off a few times, and stfu.
I try and stay away from politics as well because people can't be even slightly rational. It's all about picking a side, letting that sude become your identity, building up a brotherhood hero vibe for your side, getting as riled up as possible about the otherside, throwing all logic out the window, and being a misserable bickering asshole forever.
I don't even like that hardcore element of team sports. When it comes to decisions that matter it's even worse. If people could just not be fuck heads and have normal conversations the world could be a better place. Idk, I like a good shit show as much as the next guy, but it gets old after a while. Thanks to old people getting on the intrawebz, hysteria in the media, etc, it isn't even fun.
I would vote for guns, no guns, a rep a dem, skiing snowboarding, pizza or a burger, if it meant people would shut the fuck up for even a few days.
Rabble rabble get off my lawn and my news feed