skiermanHow low IQ are the American people to think this is the best we can do? "Derp he only managed to kill a few peoples this time! See more gunz is more safe! We just need more gunz!"
Let's just ignore the fact that we've seen the highest number of mass shootings this past year at over 400 incidents. Yup, nothin to see here, this single story is proof we don't have a problem with guns. Yup.
I've seen this statistic before and it is extremely misleading if not entirely disingenuous. That number includes all kinds of horrible things such as homeowners who shot (not necessarily killed) home invaders in self defense, parents who killed or wounded their whole families before committing suicide, police officers who responded to and shot armed criminals, and gang violence among other scenarios. Sorry, but if 1 cop is killed and 2 are wounded before one of them is able to shoot and kill the criminal that opened fire at a traffic stop...that is not a "mass shooting" in my book, and that is EXACTLY what one of those events you are citing give you an example. This statistic is absolute political bullshit. It is incredibly irresponsible to imply that A) the 400+ events you are citing of 4 or more people being injured or killed are all school shootings or something like that and B) that the 400+ events you are citing are not inclusive of suicides and police incidents in which 4 or more good OR bad guys were wounded or killed. The reality is that the mass murders that we all think of and fear are incredibly rare in the US.
If you want to look at facts and see what nations are experiencing shooting related deaths at the highest rates, the US trails France, Belgium, and freaking Norway in that category. Media LOVES to push these stories, but if you really research the numbers to try to find the root cause (as I did), I think you'll be very disappointed in our leadership and the fact that they are knowingly cherry picking statistics and even changing the definitions of statistics to fit their rhetoric.
Go watch any politician speak about gun control measures they want to take and see how long it takes for them to blatantly lie about what the gun they are holding is capable of, the laws that already do and don't exist, and how the laws they want to push will help. We have TENS OF THOUSANDS of gun laws across this country and the places that see the vast majority of the violence are impoverished inner cities with crazy strict gun control laws. Our politicians are lying to us about the root cause. We have a metric fuck load of guns in the US, the number is climbing faster and faster, and gun violence is still decreasing.