STEEZUS_CHRI5TI’ve got a friend up there, he said MTU cut funding and as a result can’t produce as much snow. He also said they won’t be building bigger step down. Is that true?
Basically our hill ripley is owned by the university and is allowed to operate at deficit each year. This year the university decided that ripley can no longer have a deficit and funding got cut on top of that. Somewhere in the realm of 100k
Our largest expense is snowmaking and the majority of that snowmaking goes into the terrain park. Natural snow doesn’t really allow you to build park features of the size we usually have. Only half are fines can be run and snow needs to go all over the mountain. We can no longer have guns dedicated for just the park.
There will still be a park, but it will most likely be downsized cuz we have a limited budget for maintenance on it among other things. That being said the higher than normal snow totals this year will allow for more guns to be focused at the park. The manager also was doing a pretty good job cutting costs elsewhere last I heard.
So there’s still a chance to have a solid park. I’ve got no idea why the university does what it does.
@Michigan_Sucks probably has some opinions on this
**This post was edited on Dec 28th 2019 at 3:14:33pm