Replying to Skier Height Determining Ski Length is a Stupid Metric. Prove Me Wrong.
Always think about this whenever I see a thread on what size skis to get. Everyone always gives their height, says they ski this length, and then recommend a size to op. It's bogus! Bananas! Crazy! Cookoo for coco puffs! My favorite example is when you'll have beginners that are 6'3" and folks are recommending 185cm+ just because they are tall.
I believe the skier chart with height and ski length is only useful for people who have no clue where to start. It is a good starting point but not an end all be all. Everyone, even manufacturers, have bought into this trend where height is some major magical determining factor in ski length that was probably made up by someone without any sort of math or science degree at some point in time.
Weight is more important than height. The charts should be based on weight instead. This makes more sense and explains why the height chart works for many people. As you get taller, you get heavier in relation to your body proportions. Weight.
Now some of you may be saying, well man your center of gravity is higher and more forward and you need that extra length and blah blah blah. Prove it with actual facts otherwise you're just feeding the misinformation campaign. Draw out 6" on a paper, literally less than the length of a hand and tell me that miniscule length is going to matter. No. The same goes in reverse. What actual reasoning is there to say short people should have short skis??? Why would it be any more difficult for a short person vs a tall person of equal weights to ski a longer ski? It won't. That's because weight matters more than height.
Even more important: Ability, intended use, and how aggressive someone is, are all some factors that will make a difference and provide more influence in how a ski's performance will be perceived than height ever will.
Please discuss as this makes no sense whatsoever.
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