Replying to Get your shit together Newschoolers!
Come on people. There's 2+ day old replies on every category on the first page. NS is truly dead (not really but it's slow). Start creating some threads ffs. WHERE IS THE HYPE??? I made a tgr account today (again I think?). I was so bored but their forums are nowhere near as easy to navigate as these so I got drunk and gave up.
We are all to blame, but really, there's too many of you fucks on Adderall and you can't make a thread? Pssshhhtttttt.
400000000 post count and not a thread in months? Step up. Is it against the rules to create threads as a mod? Or would they be so immature that they would get banned? I've skimmed through the "early years" threads and yikes is all I can say.
And lastly, dogfart change your name.
Fight me.
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