Bear with me, this is one of my higher iq tier threads.
Let me start off. Im a very good dancer. Good dancing is about expressing your soul through graceful movement. Most americans think dancing is about just believing in themselves and being confident. The reality is harsher though. Good dancing comes from a long time
spent in front of a mirror Dancing to music that moves you. First you have to find good techno/electronic/trance/teddybear crisis like music that makes you want to move your body to the fast, infectious beat. Next you have to learn ways to express your natural strength and coordination through simple repetative body movements. My go to dance style is multiple variations of running in place which some of you might think is wack but i promise you if you saw me dance to a good techno beat in a club you would have a pivotal moment in your life when you realized alot of what you thought was true was dead wrong. Back to the main point- The reason I feel immortal is, in no better words, because of freeskiing. The pure athleticism i try to portray with my dance movements is immortalized by things like corey vanulars rodeo 810 on in LSS and delormes sw 270 gap to rail in realtime. The thing that i would want to tell the whole world before i die is told even more powerfully by people like vanular and delorme with their tricks. Their tricks are so graceful i consider it a sort of dance that can only be performed by sheer athleticism.
So when i lie in a hospital bed as an old man, i will feel comforted by the fact that many people see things like vanulars rodeo 810 and they will see the same beauty that i try to portray when i dance. I feel like its ok for me to die because what I love will be passed on and shown to other people for generations in the form of freeskiers who understand style is everything.
Anywho, sorry for the length of that.
Sparknotes: tricks like vanulars rodeo 810 on show the world what true immortal beauty is all about.
**This thread was edited on Oct 29th 2019 at 2:45:00pm