alright guys. Here's the dealio. LAst year i had has a run in with corey vanular at a new years party. I was Racing at the time and the lifestyle sucked, i hated skiing and racing was beat. I had no fun and i was about to make the ever so traveld path to snowboarding, till i met vanular. Im like werrrd dude, skiing seems mad chill and ill give it a shot. So i immediatly quit racing, bought some twins and never looked back. My dad is into racing so he was tenitave to the whole thing, had no idea what it was about. So to make a long story short, My race Ex-race team sees me as this huge fucking pouser that want's to be corey vanular, and my dad thinks freeskiers are a huge irresponsable ass holes and its a cultue that cant find them selvs and wont give it respect, he thinks what i do is a waste of time and any one can do a sw cork 10. Im in a hole and it sucks balls. All this cause i stoped racing. FUCK IT