So I know neither is great for super deep snow but I'll be riding both these this season. The skis:
-2017 Armada ARV 106 (before the newest revision)
-2019 ON3P Wrenegade 96
Both mounted recommended.
I bought the wrens cuz I wanted something more burly to charge with for EC. The ARVs are super playful and I love them. Their balance in the air and landing is phenomenal, but they tend to get kicked around a bit in chop. They've been my daily driver the last two years and held up great in snow up to knee deep.
My guestion is even though the wrens are a collective 2cm skinnier, does their exaggerated rocker profile allow them to perform better than these ARVs in deep snow? Or will the playfulness of the ARVs dominate powder? I guess I'll have to find out but just wanted some opinions. The rocker on the ON3Ps is HUGE.
I know neither is optimal for 1ft+ but it'll do. None of this shit existed in the 60's and they fared fine.