oldmanskiOuch, speed bumps arent jumps,lol. Sounds like you have a few parts to install.
The speedbumps in my apartment complex at school are short and tall so they suck no matter how slow you go. I usually bike so I can swerve around them and skateboards can outrun cars cause of the speedbump.
Before I got a 17" set of wheels, I only had 19's that I now use for summer tires. Not much sidewall so turning was direct, but potholes hurt your soul 10 x more than they do now.
I think the reason the control arm bushings are rotting is because I drove 3-5 hours to various mountains every weekend the past 4 winters, and potholes were particularly bad last winter. From what I've heard audi control arms are a total pain in the ass and with the amount of disassembly required, you might as well just replace all the control arms.