Hey guys looking for advice on a second pair of skis for an east coast quiver
Stats 5'10-11 ish
Skiing in Vermont, pretty aggressive skier like to hit small-medium cliffs and spend lotta time in the woods when its good, but don't ski much actual park so don't need a true twin. Already got a pair of J master blasters that I love just looking for something to pull out when we get more than a couple inches up to a couple feet. Main focus is I want something nimble enough for tight east coast trees and not designed for big bowls out west but still sturdy enough to blast through crud and frozen over powder.
Was originally wanting to try out the Wildcat 108, but now I think I'm leaning more towards the metal as I think it might be more similar to my masterblasters and a little more nimble. From what I see it looks like the wildcat might be a little bit stiffer, but was wondering if anyone can add any more info on either ski. Was also considering going a little wider but want something that I can still enjoy more than a few days a year. Was also looking little bit at ON3P woodsman and black crows atris, but let me know what you guys think. Thanks.