Replying to Romance
I won't even front, I am the biggest Level 1 fan boy that there may have ever been, is currently, or will ever be. Long before I ever even conceived the idea to submit a Superunknown video I was obsessed with that cursive logo, and the DVD menu song from Forward will forever be burned in my brain from falling asleep to it for what had to have been years.
Like many of you I loved Dave Crichton's part and it will forever be one of the best, but so many people slept on the nuances of Liam's part, the DL Incognito song somehow meshing seamlessly with every move he made. With hundreds and hundreds of views it was my favorite. Personally, I preferred Forward to High Five and Shanghai Six, until LSS came out and sent my whole world spinning. And then came Real Time, a movie that I think was greatly overlooked, and I became totally obsessed with the Denver storm section and really began to chase urban. Real Time year I actually emailed Josh trying to get them to do urban up in Anchorage, to which he replied that if Level 1 actually ever made it to Alaska he hoped they'd be heli skiing. Little did we both know Anchorage area urban would be a Level 1 staple from 2010-2015.
Life went on, college went on. I had a real job as a Civil Engineer, still managing to film a full part with our local crew. Randomly, well past the Superunknown deadline, I decided to throw all of my shots together and send it to Months went by, and I actually forgot about it.
With almost everything in life, your path is forged by decisions that you make. In my case, the single biggest turning point that altered the course of my life forever was made by Josh Berman, Freedle Coty, and Kyle Decker. Every single thing that I have in my life right now I owe to them and the choice that they made for me. Skiing aside, I would have never worked in oil and gas, never bought the land to build my house, never gotten on with Moment just to be dropped and build my own skis, never met Hans and OC at Armada, and ultimately, probably never would have met my wife at the perfect time, meaning I would have never gotten to watch her bring a beautiful baby girl in to the world.
Oh and the skiing... now days people are used to having their lives recorded. That wasn't always the case, and for me its completely insane that I got to have a highlight reel of my 20s. Not many people my age can say that, I get to watch my triumphs and my struggles along with some of the most amazing people I've had the privilege of meeting. All of that, again, based on someone else's decision.
I know there are likely hundreds of stories about how Level 1 movies changed people's lives, this is just mine.
I truly love Level 1 with all of my heart, which is why Romance is such a perfect name for this movie.
And with all of that, HOLY FUCK, they actually hid the trailer in the calendar:
I'm not going to give you the link, you need to find it
**This thread was edited on Aug 5th 2019 at 1:36:41am
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