I have spent the summer working construction, pouring basement foundations. Its a four man crew: me, the two owners, and one of the owner's son. Took the job cause it payed decent, I could live back home, not pay rent, no drug test and my dad is friends with one of the owners, so the job was basically guaranteed (most of the help they get quit after a week because the work is to hard). I have a week and a half left and I cant wait to get back to Utah (in Wisconsin currently). Made around 9 grand to pay for school but its been hell. Two owners have been doing it for 20 years so they do everything a certain way, they wont explain how to do it but if you do it wrong theyll tear you a new asshole (I imagine most construction is like that) Its always hot as hell and they work 10 - 12 hour days 6 days a week. So thats how I spent my summer.
I wanna hear what you dirty, low life, pot smokin college degenerates have been up to for summer employment. Lets hear some good ones so we know were not in it alone. I hope its almost over for yall, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer! Stay positive!