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satanworshipperhahshahahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahaha eheat fat hahahhahahahahahahahaaahahah trvp fat hahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhha chubz fat hahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahhahhahahhahahhahaha bruj fat hahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahhahahahaaaahhahahhahhahhahhaha everyone fat hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha so funny
BrujTake it back
How dare you call me fat I'll have you know my dad owns a shit ton of stocks and shares in major tech companies and could easily erase your xbox account so you better check yourself, dont ever disrespect me like that ever again bcuz bitch I'm angelic they call me go go nuts all right they call me pink dress you best remember that
TRVP_ANGELPersonally, Ive tried to change my body size, but whenever I did, I became miserable and my body would always want the weight on it that I had previously. I do the same things someone naturally thin or fit can do, Im just a larger size. When I finally accepted the size I was meant to be, a great relief flooded over me and I have not looked back since.
No matter your size, you deserve happiness. Once you change your attitude, your happiness about your life and your body will increase. There is no shame in being naturally fat and you should embrace the way your body was meant to look like. You only have one life to live, so you should enjoy it to its fullest potential.
TRVP_ANGELPersonally, Ive tried to change my body size, but whenever I did, I became miserable and my body would always want the weight on it that I had previously. I do the same things someone naturally thin or fit can do, Im just a larger size. When I finally accepted the size I was meant to be, a great relief flooded over me and I have not looked back since.
No matter your size, you deserve happiness. Once you change your attitude, your happiness about your life and your body will increase. There is no shame in being naturally fat and you should embrace the way your body was meant to look like. You only have one life to live, so you should enjoy it to its fullest potential.
The referenced post has been removed.
TRVP_ANGELPersonally, Ive tried to change my body size, but whenever I did, I became miserable and my body would always want the weight on it that I had previously. I do the same things someone naturally thin or fit can do, Im just a larger size. When I finally accepted the size I was meant to be, a great relief flooded over me and I have not looked back since.
No matter your size, you deserve happiness. Once you change your attitude, your happiness about your life and your body will increase. There is no shame in being naturally fat and you should embrace the way your body was meant to look like. You only have one life to live, so you should enjoy it to its fullest potential.
_kevin_You should try eating fruits.
Fruit cures obesity for 2 reasons: Alkaline Chemistry and Astringents. Obesity is an acidic event. The PH of fat cells is around 3 PH. That’s a hot acid. The nature of acid is Dehydrating, Corrosive, Aglomulating (sticky), Inflammatory, Promotes stagnation and rigidity in the body. While Alkaline Chemistry is the polar opposite: Hydrating, Healing, Regenerative, Anti-Inflammatory, promotes movement and flexibility. Obesity is caused from Lymphatic Stagnation. That means your cellular sewer system (the lymphatic system) has become clogged. This is due to an excess of acids clogging and inflaming interstitial areas (the microscopic areas in between cells where the bodies 2 Major fluids flow, blood and lymph.) if cellular metabolitic waste cannot be moved and expelled from the body, it collects. And acids that sit on cells, will damage, mutate, and kill cells. We call that obesity. And when the body creates pockets to contain the acids and dead cells, we call that fat. Your bodyweight grows when the environments PH stays acidic. Alkaline chemistry reverses such environments while the astringents (tannic Acid) constrict vessels to help move lymph (ant-acid cholesterol) holding neutralized acids to the kidneys and skin to be processed out through pores or urine. The alkaline chemistry typically has fructose or glucose in it which then allows the damaged cells, not purged by the lymph system, to begin respirating again, and to heal. Thus Reversing obesity and regenerating healthy cells.
**This post was edited on Jul 22nd 2019 at 12:40:08pm
BrujI ain't buying it
" Krispy Kreme showed me my true and final form and I just have to accept it y'know, this is the way I'm supposed to be and I mean I only have one life so I should enjoy it to its fullest potential"- Karen, died at the age of 52 due to obesity and diabetes
Chubz.LOL my post was deleted are u serious???
BraybladeOk @X_ANKILLA
X_ANKILLAHe changed “Cancer” to “fat.” And merely copy and pasted what I said in another thread. Which is funny Bc even though it doesn’t make what he said totally accurate. It’s still pretty accurate.
Excess body fat is due to a malfunctioning/ degenerative Thyroid and Adrenal gland. Thyroid controls rate of digestion, Adrenal controls rate of sugar metabolism. And when sugar ain’t metabolized properly it turns to fat instead.
So to fix excess weight, do the same thing as Cancer. Eat a Raw Fruit based diet, and give it a few months. And you’ll lose weight and have more energy. Happy healthy person.
TnskiYou are what you eat
X_ANKILLAHe changed “Cancer” to “fat.” And merely copy and pasted what I said in another thread. Which is funny Bc even though it doesn’t make what he said totally accurate. It’s still pretty accurate.
Excess body fat is due to a malfunctioning/ degenerative Thyroid and Adrenal gland. Thyroid controls rate of digestion, Adrenal controls rate of sugar metabolism. And when sugar ain’t metabolized properly it turns to fat instead.
So to fix excess weight, do the same thing as Cancer. Eat a Raw Fruit based diet, and give it a few months. And you’ll lose weight and have more energy. Happy healthy person.
Chubz.LOL my post was deleted are u serious???
FogdartWell I ain't banned yet! 🤐
But honestly, Fuck obesity. Sure it's fine to be happy with your body and not try to be a super model if you don't want to. No pressure. But this "it's OK to be obese" shit is ludicrous.
1. You will get diseases
2. You will cost me money
3. You will die
What's ok about that? Zilch.
>2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese yet people still complain about healthcare bills and cancer. The epidemic has more than spilled over into children as young as 2 and it's all unacceptable imo. How about we forget this anti-body shaming campaign? It's too extreme. It needs to be a campaign focusing on eating addiction, depression, exercise, and healthy eating all integrated in one.
_GHOSTI have the best body on this site
_kevin_I wish I could be as passionate about anything as this guy is about fruit
BraybladeBruh if I lost more weight I’d look like a holocaust survivor. Fat is created as energy storage in the body when it has too much sugar to process. It’s not a malfunction, it’s the persons diet that is causing them to gain weight like that. Eating anything in excess is bad for your body. Fat can be used as an energy source for the body. For example if you workout in the morning before you eat breakfast you burn twice as much fat because your body is using fat rather than food to fuel the workout.
The referenced post has been removed.
Brujbitch I'm angelic they call me go go nuts all right they call me pink dress you best remember that
DummyBearsThis is the exact opposite of what this site needs or the world for that matter. I honestly have never despised a thread more then this one. More then likely you did it to yourself and therefore your to blame so pull your head out of your belly and actually try to care the fact that you look like a muffin. The world is soft if you cant take shit for being shit then get out the world needs some more negativity no more standing around holding hands and saying everyones beautiful no matter what. Time to shape up or get out. I will have no respect for you if you cant respect yourself first. Unless you have medical conditions or are predestined then you have no excuse. If you disagree go stuff another bun in your face and cry. I don't care if you have money if you life is nice or anything I will immediately look down on you because you are a disgrace to yourself. If your not trying to be the best version of yourself mentally, physically, and socially your a worthless money grubbing human taking up space in the world. Health should be valued over everything. Working out in places publicly or anywhere but the gym gets people mad like there getting "flexed on". Who cares if I do pushups here or there I may as well be productive if I'm gonna stand there and wait. The only people that have an issue with this are the people who don't care about fitness or anything but there next fucking mcdanks run. Its not illegal to work out and frowning upon it is just a negative culture that sits with those that don't do it because it makes them feel guilty and fat because they're so lazy. maybe it should motivate you to not be they way you are instead of trying to get everyone to think your beautiful no matter what. This should probably be in rant about whatever but seriously if you don't agree your dead to me.
Peter.i have been gone for too long i dont get any of these references
satanworshipperheard people were posting pictures of "me" on here
just to clear some shit up, THAT IS NOT ME
i do not look like that, i do not know where that image came from.
i am 5'7" and 55kg. i am NOT fat
also i agree fat shaming should be supported.
and yes i know i am late on this
**This post was edited on Aug 7th 2019 at 8:07:55pm
satanworshipperheard people were posting pictures of "me" on here
just to clear some shit up, THAT IS NOT ME
i do not look like that, i do not know where that image came from.
i am 5'7" and 55kg. i am NOT fat
also i agree fat shaming should be supported.
and yes i know i am late on this
**This post was edited on Aug 7th 2019 at 8:07:55pm
satanworshipperheard people were posting pictures of "me" on here
just to clear some shit up, THAT IS NOT ME
i do not look like that, i do not know where that image came from.
i am 5'7" and 55kg. i am NOT fat
also i agree fat shaming should be supported.
and yes i know i am late on this
**This post was edited on Aug 7th 2019 at 8:07:55pm