My dad is in montreal right now, and when he took of the other day, I gave him a list with skis that I would like to have and he went to d-structure, and the skis he found were:
159 Public Enemy, $400 CAD
158 Scratch Pro, $275 CAD
I have 410$ exactly and I need new bindings, so if I buy the scratch pro I will have enough for bindings, but not with the PE.
My personal preference is Im 5'2, 115-20 pounds, ride mainly all mountain and park, probably 40% groomers, 40% park and 20% trees. I like to ski fast, Im an advanced skier.
So wich would fit me best? Opinions and personal experience would be good too
Oh and I rode the 1080, and I hate it because its too soft, so I want something stiffer
- Simon
Real East Coast Skier